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Words Matter

I saw a YouTube video several days ago.  It was an interview with a man who had left his body and gone beyond this life to the afterlife, and then returned to his body.  I have watched a few of these videos, but this one really affected me.

The “being” who spoke to the man was thought to be Jesus.  And the man was told that he wasn’t choosing his words wisely.  “Words matter” is what Jesus told him.

There probably aren’t two more powerful words strung together.  Words matter.  Verbally, one can make someone’s day or bring them to tears.  You can put someone down or lift them up.  You can boast of your exploits or show humility.  Words matter. 

When it comes to the written word, you have more “control” in choosing your words.  Books, magazines, TV and movie scripts, plays, musicals, operas, songs, greeting cards.  Every writer knows the importance of words strung together carefully and artfully.  To true writers and poets, songwriters and editors, words are the lifeblood that we cannot live without.

Words matter.