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The Family Prayer

This is a prayer I wrote for our family (and has been hung in our home since I wrote it). I encourage you to share it with yours.


Personalities divergent, each brings his or
hers to the family. “I offer you me,” you
say, “to enhance yourself and others. I
am not perfect. But I love this family
like no other and will do nothing short
of my best to keep it going.”

Almost without knowing it, we make a pledge —
a pledge to stick by one another no matter
what. For within each of us lies a part of
our Mother and Father. Through them and
because of them, we keep tradition alive.

Without God choosing us to be a family,
there wouldn’t be a family. Because of
God and because of our parents, we discover
two of the most important facets of life:
Love is the greatest thing to be taught,
and it is the greatest thing to learn.

Brian & Liz Burns